
What is Advanced Targeting Computer?

Advanced Targeting Computer is a tournament data aggregation site for the X-Wing Miniatures Game. Data is taken from Listfortress, which is a crowdsourced collection of tournaments, players, and lists. AT.C tracks card performances by tournament as many other sites do, in addition to collecting information on specific matchups between pilots.

AT.C is open source, with a public github repository available here: (Not published yet).

Please report any issues you encounter or feature requests here: (Not published yet).


This FAQ is left as is for historic purposes, but much is not applicable as things are updated to a new codebase.

Soon™, the date range will be modifiable so you can look into statistics for any period of Second Edition.

Help! What do these columns mean?

Lists signifies how many unique lists a pilot has appeared in. For unlimited/generic cards, this means that a list bringing four copies of the same card counts that card only once. For cards that are limited to one copy per list, this is a simple count of how many times that card has been used.

Avg Bid is the average (mean) bid of every list that includes the given card.

Avg Swiss Rank is the average (mean) final swiss result of every list including at least one copy of the given card, normalized by tournament size. The lower the percentage, the better the performance of the card. For example, an Avg Swiss Rank of 45 means the given card's average performance is 45th out of a 100 person event. Or, in a 200 person event, the average result would be 90 - in a 10 person event, 4.5th. When a player has 0 for their swiss rank, we treat that as last place in an event.

Cut Rate signifies what percentage of all lists containing the given card made the top cut at a given event.

Matches is the count of how many games with at least one copy of the given card have been played.

Wins is the percentage of all matches including this card that the list containing this card wins.

Bigger/Smaller Bid is the winrate for the selected pilot against the pilot row, when the opposing pilot in the table has a smaller or bigger bid. For example, when this was written Soontir Fel had a 52% winrate against Anakin Skywalker (Aethersprite), but with a larger bid Soontir wins 75% of the time, while with a smaller bid Soontir wins 37.5% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the average winrate not 50%?!

In general, lists tend to be missing from the bottom positions of an event. Because of this, the lists we do have matchup data for have an above 50% winrate in aggregate.

Why is nearly every pilots most commonly played opposing pilot a mirror match?

When a pilot plays itself, there are two instances of that pilot playing. Since we have to include game A from player B and player C's perspective, we actually have two games played: one from player B, and one from player C. Because of this, they aren't actually playing game A - they're playing two games.

Why don't you filter out cards with small sample sizes?

AT.C trusts you to ignore low sample sizes and have perspective. Don't misbehave!